Vertical Forest nears completion in Milan

A pair of skyscrapers by Milan office Boeri Studio are nearing completion in the Italian city, featuring as many trees as could be planted in a hectare of forest.   The first project born from this concept is now nearing completion in the Isola area … Continued

This Underwater Computer Will Let Humans And Dolphins Talk To Each Other

This summer in the Bahamas, researchers will test new technology that helps humans get one step closer to communicating with dolphins using a series of whistles that dolphins can easily reproduce. An underwater computer called the CHAT interface will broadcast artificial whistles … Continued

Multi- storey office building made entirely of wood

The use of wood in multi-storey buildings is an art form almost completely buried a hundred years ago. Reinforced concrete structures became the norm worldwide. In recent years, however, the sustainability debate has brought a renaissance to wood and an … Continued

10 Failed Utopian Cities That Influenced the Future

Some of the most famous cities in history were never built. These 10 Utopian cities may have been failures, but they expressed our ideas about what the future of human civilization could look like. And many ideas contained in them … Continued

The 3D printer that can build a house in 24 hours

The University of Southern California is testing a giant 3D printer that could be used to build a whole house in under 24 hours. Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces construction workers with a nozzle on … Continued

World’s first text message via molecular communication sent

Scientists have created a molecular communications system for the transmission of messages and data in challenging environments where electromagnetic waves cannot be used — such as tunnels, pipelines, underwater, within the body, and in biomedical nanorobots.  “We believe we have sent … Continued

IBM’s predictions for next five years: everything will learn

BM just unveiled its annual 5 in 5 — five predictions about technology innovations that IBM expects will change the way we work, live and play within the next five years. This year’s IBM 5 in 5 explores the idea that everything will learn … Continued

Revisiting the limits to growth scenarios

Our current trajectory suggests that the world system will realise a decline in living standards. There needs to be a shift in the global economy that moves away from wellbeing measures based on GDP, and which embraces new meaningful measures … Continued

4-D Printing Means Building Things That Build Themselves

he advent of 3-D printing brought on a number of innovations worthy of news coverage. Printers have created prosthetic hands, action figures, food, even blood vessels, simply by depositing layer after layer of different kinds of ink. Now a handful of … Continued

The 59 Countries That Are Most Prepared To Handle An Uncertain Future

Australia has been listed in the top two countries best prepared to handle an uncertain future in a new report published in Fast Company.  The detailed report can be found here:

What will a typical Londoner look like in 2023

NESTA, a charitable foundation in London has collaborated with a number of other partners to explore how those who live in London in 10 years will actually live.  They created 25 “imaginary Londoners” whom they describe in some detail here: … Continued

It’s not rocket science – oh, actually it is

The 21 September 2013 Economist  contains an article exploring just how serendipitous science research can be.  A group of scientists at Michigan Technological University lead by Lyon King were exploring how to create fuel  for very small rockets (details of … Continued

20 forecasts for 2013-2025

The World Future Society (with whom the futures foundation will have much closer links from 2014 – watch this space) has just published a list of 20 predictions for trends and breakthroughs likely to impact your work, your investments and … Continued

Creating artificial brains

This week’s Economist magazine has a fascinating article about the increasingly sophisticated ways in which scientists are attempting to both understand how the human brain actually works and to simulate this in a computer. The entire article can be accessed … Continued

New Body Part! Layer in Human Eye Discovered

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown layer lurking in the human eye. The newfound body part, dubbed Dua’s layer, is a skinny but tough structure measuring just 15 microns thick, where one micron is one-millionth of a meter and more … Continued

You May Soon Just Spray-Paint On Your Solar Panels

New techniques in making a sprayable liquid that works like a solar panel will make them both easier to install and cheaper to produce.  The new method is currently in development at a lab at the University of Sheffield in … Continued